Saturday, December 15, 2012

Beginning a Garden at Moroni High School

The High School Boys worked hard clearing the ground!

Elder Youngberg was very excited to get his top soil.

Moving the dirt inside the fence.

Make sure it's perfectly straight!

Finally, a plant in the ground!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Tarawa, Kiribati West Stake Talent Night

Three wards participated in this talent night.  The ward members sat on the floor.  Each ward sat against  a different wall of the cultural hall.  The cultural hall was designed much like the local maniabas (maw knee ah bas). Almost everyone in the ward joined in the dance or song being performed by the ward.  Some of the costumes were quite elaborate; others consisted of a piece of fabric tied around the waist.  Many of these costumes were created while we waited for the program to begin.  These people have been dancing and singing from the time they are babes so it comes quite natual to them. The senior missionaries (us and Brother and Sister Bush) sat in chairs in the front along with the Stake Patriarch and about four sets of younger missionaries.  There was special food prepared for us "guests of honor" to eat after the program.  Performing for guest of honor seems to be an important part of their programs.  They treat us with great respect and honor but they also love to make us laugh and help us to feel a part of their culture.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Elder Youngberg

We attended a Christmas Party on December 11th, for all of the employees and missionaries of the church here at Moroni High School.  They paused their program to sing Happy Birthday to Elder Youngberg in both English and Kiribati.  The Senior Missionaries were asked to prepare and "item" or talent for the program.  Thankfully Sister Bush is very talented. For the Senior Missionaries "item" she taught everyone how to do a line dance to the tune of Jingle Bells.  Everyone here loves to dance and sing so they learned quickly and had a lot of fun.  The Seminary and Institute Group sang some hymns.  The Service Center employees did the same.  After the program we enjoyed a nice dinner.  This video was taken near the beginning of the program.  The room was full before the program was over. 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

L.D.S. Youth Help With Clean UP

Soon after we arrived in Kiribati, we learned that the prothetics part of the hospital had burned down.  At the suggestion of  Elder Youngberg, the Stake President arranged for this group of young people to help with the clean up.  These young people were attending a two or three day youth conference.  They gladly incorporated this service project into the days activities.  They started the project at 6:30 a.m. and were done by 8:30 a.m.  Notice they are walking around in the rubble with bare feet. 

Tinker Bell Graduation (continued)

 This man is in the Kiribati government as well.  He was Master of Ceremonies for the graduation.
 This is him with his grandson who is a student at the pre-school.  He was very friendly and was careful to translate important information into English for our benefit.

These children enjoyed having there picture taken but were feeling a little shy as well.
 Notice their beautiful shirts.  They wore these nice shirts under their graduation gowns.

Tinker Bell Pre-School Graduation

These pictures were taken at a Pre-School graduation that we attended at the Amak Maniaba.
 The above picture shows the children getting ready to watch a puppet show  put on by their classmates after the main graduation ceremony.  The puppets and the  stage were given to the school by
Elder and Sister Ogborn who were  the humanitarian missionaries here before us.

Minister of Education 
She handed out the diplomas and spoke as part of the Graduation Ceremonies.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

We are going on a mission to Tarawa, Kiribati in the Marshall Islands, Majuro Mission.